Modern Wayfarer

Bōchord - lit. book hoard. From Old English bōc (book) and hord (hoard):
An Anglo-Saxonism referring to a collection of books; a library.

Like any good hoard, my library, spanning the physical and digital, is messy, uncategorized, and traversed with a course path. While I endeavour to stay focused when I can, as can easily be gathered by this very blog, I am haphazard at best in my Readings. And I would not have it any other way.

Current Non-Fiction Read: The War of Nerves by Martin Sixsmith (2021)
Current Fiction Read: Blood Meridian by Cormac McCarthy (1985)
Study Book: Remembering Traditional Hanzi 1: How Not to Forget the Meaning and Writing of Chinese Characters by James W. Heisig & Timothy W. Richardson (2009)

Past Reads: